High quality, properly installed windows have a lasting, positive impact on a home and the lives of the people who live there. They offer beautiful views while keeping out chilly drafts in the winter and humidity in the summer – which is why it’s so important to take action once they show signs they need to be replaced.

And the fall is a great time to check your windows for signs they need to be replaced. 

Once winter arrives, it can be difficult to work on a home’s exterior, and it’s best not to postpone the installation of necessary replacements as the icy months ahead may only exacerbate the damage. Do your family a favor and start by looking for signs that your outdated or damaged windows may no longer be providing the protection they should.

1. Uneven Indoor Climate, Cold Drafts or Rising Energy Bills

Are your energy bills higher than usual? It could be due to improperly sealed windows. As temperatures dip, it’s fairly easy to discover if your windows are the culprit. 

When the space near the windows appears colder than in the rest of the home, it’s a surefire sign that too much air from outside is getting in. The indoor climate may vary somewhat room to room, but it shouldn’t do so within the same room to a noticeable degree. If it feels significantly colder when you are near a window, or if you notice a draft coming in, it may be time to replace them. 

2. Improper Opening, Shutting or Locking

Do all of your windows operate precisely as they should? Over time, humidity and extreme temperatures can cause wood to warp so that windows no longer open and shut smoothly. Do a walk around, checking each one to ensure they lock properly and can be closed easily and securely. 

Examine them for any of numerous signs they are not functioning as they should:

3. Cracks or Other Damage Turns Up in Window Inspections

Over the years, the elements will take a toll on a home’s exterior, especially here in the Midwest. Too much precipitation and humidity eventually lead to rotting frames or leaky windows, and since restoring windows isn’t always possible it often makes more economic sense to replace the entire window unit.

If you’re worried about the expense, keep in mind that small amounts of moisture eventually lead to bigger problems. Perhaps they can be repaired. But if needed replacements are put off for too long it won’t just be the window frames that are rotting, and procrastinating might cost you more down the road.

4. Leaking Water or Excess Condensation 

Any sign of leaking, however small, is cause for concern. There can be various sources of leaking water around or below a window. Poor insulation and a failure of the sealed unit itself are both signs it’s time to get those windows replaced, sooner rather than later.

Keep in mind that not all condensation signifies a problem with the window. When it is located between panes of glass or has increased significantly, those are possible signs of failed sealant. A windows expert at Harris Exteriors can take a look at your windows to determine whether you’re experiencing a normal amount of condensation in your home.

5. Inadequate Soundproofing 

This last problem may not be as serious a consideration as cracked or malfunctioning windows. That’s why sound disturbances are so often overlooked and tolerated, but it happens at the expense of everyone living in the home. Even double pane windows can let a lot of noise in your home if they weren’t designed with the highest quality in mind. 

Because Harris partners with multiple window manufacturers, we are positioned to recommend the best replacement option for your home should you choose that route.

Harris Brings Highest Quality Windows to Streamwood, Barrington & Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Just don’t wait too long to replace your ailing windows. In addition to adding to the beauty of a home, well-designed window installations play an important role in home security and boost its curb appeal, as well.

Harris Exteriors can have a specialist at your home in Streamwood, Barrington and Glen Ellyn, Illinois, and the surrounding areas. We will help you assess your windows and determine the best solution for your needs. Reach out for a free consultation with one of our experts today.

A person taking an old window off a wall.